Morning meditation for beginners
A refreshing morning meditation routine to kickstart your day.

Morning meditation can be an incredibly powerful way to start your day. If you're looking for a way to begin your day that will help you reach your full potential, this is it.
Morning meditation for beginners
So why should I meditate in the morning? Well, when you wake up, your mind is naturally very active and tends to wander around. This is because your body has been asleep for hours and all of those thoughts don't have anywhere else to go except back into your head.
A morning meditation routine will help clear out any leftover thoughts from the night before and get your brain ready for the day ahead.
It doesn't have to be long. A 10 minute morning meditation is a good length for a beginner. It’s long enough to get into the moment and reap some benefits, but short enough that you won’t get bored. If you find yourself struggling with 10 minutes, try starting with just 5 or even 3. The most important thing is that you do it consistently.
You can always add more time to your meditation later on if you feel ready for it.
How can I meditate in the morning? mindfulness meditation for beginners
Ready to learn how to meditate in the morning? Here's a morning meditation routine to kickstart your day.
1. Wake up early
There are many benefits to waking up early, but the most important one for meditation is that it gives you time to set the tone for the day.
If you get a good night's sleep and wake up refreshed instead of groggy and disoriented, it will make your early morning meditation habit easier to adopt.
Waking up early also allows you to meditate before your family wakes up so as not to disturb them or disturb yourself with their noises in another room. If this isn't possible for you, try using earplugs or headphones if needed.
2. Prep your space
Put the phone away, and don't even think about turning on your computer. You're going to be spending 10 minutes in a space where you'll be completely disconnected from distractions, so it's important that you just let go of all those things for now.
Set up your meditation space however you like: light some candles, put on some soft music or a nature sounds recording, spread out a blanket if you have one—whatever helps create the feeling of calm and peace for you. Or you can simply sit up on your bed if you're pushed for time.
3. Set an intention for the day
Intentions are the driving force behind what you do, who you are , and where you go. Intentions are your purpose, your motivation, and your inspiration for your life. They can be thought of as a goal or destination that serves to direct, focus and guide our actions in all areas of life.
When there aren't clear intentions around certain aspects of our lives then unimportant things take priority because they seem to be more urgent than they actually need to be.
4. Start with a focus word or mantra
When you're meditating in the morning, it can be tempting to think about all the things you have to do that day. To prevent this, focus on a mantra—a word or phrase that you repeat over and over again. You don't need to say the mantra out loud, you think of a word or your intention in your head.
5. Release your thoughts
Release all thoughts as they come into your mind, even if they're negative or worrying. Don't judge yourself for having those thoughts, don't try to stop them from coming in, and don't think about the past or future. Instead of trying to control your thoughts or make them go away focus on breathing through it.
Be present with yourself for a moment in time: 10 minutes is enough time for that.
6. Finish with affirmations
Affirmations are positive statements that you can say to yourself to reinforce your beliefs. They should be specific, believable and in the present tense, like "I am happy" or "I am successful" instead of "I will be happy" or "I will be successful."
Try writing out a list of affirmations ahead of time so you have something to finish with when you meditate in the morning (or whenever else you choose). You could also pick up an affirmation book at your local bookstore or library for inspiration.
How do I start meditating every day?
To start meditating every day, you need to make it part of your morning routine so your mind will learn that this is an important part of starting your day (just like brushing your teeth).
Start small. Just 5 to 10 minutes first thing in the morning when you wake up before getting out of bed (if possible), then gradually increase by 5 minutes each week until eventually reaching 30–40 minutes per day.
Is doing a morning meditation good?
Meditation can help you start your day off in a calm and relaxed way, feeling centered and present. It helps you to get more done in less time, and allows you to focus on one task at a time. Meditation is one of the most effective ways to be productive, because it allows for clarity, focus and creativity.
This approach is simple and straightforward, and it doesn’t require any special equipment or expertise. All you need is 10 minutes to yourself each morning and some willingness to try something new.
The benefits of meditation are manifold, but the most important one is this: when we start our day with a short practice, we train ourselves to be more mindful throughout the day—and that can have a huge impact on how you feel at work and in life.